Our Infrastructure-Aakar Pools

GST: 09BNVPS7643Q1ZI | Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India

Our company is composed of tech enthusiasts who constantly seek improvement and innovation. We have a state-of-the-art workspace that is well-equipped to support our services. Our infrastructure is highly adaptable and well-ventilated, allowing us to carry out bulk processing with automation without sacrificing quality. We also prioritize client satisfaction by testing our tools and ensuring that they are client-focused. Our workspace provides a familiar environment that encourages us to work sincerely and with passion. 

Our infrastructure development includes:

  • Automated Equipment
  • Ventilated Workspace
  • High-tech Infrastructure
  • Massive Storage
  • Adroit Workforce
  • Quality Analyzing Setup
  • and more
Nature of Business
Sales & Services
Year of Establishment
Age of Company
10 Years
Man Power
1 - 50
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